My run was slow yesterday morning, my heart weighed down by the collective somberness of what happened.
The burden of change, the apprehension of disillusionment.
The disquietude invaded my mind and I cried as I ran my daily 5 on Sunset Cliffs.
This surprised me.
The outcome hadn’t been pertinent to my daily grind.
And yet.
I felt it.
How humbled, shocked...frightened many were.
But. As the shock wore off, I saw before us a choice.
There is a choice to be scared, and there is a choice to believe. There is a choice to look out into obscurity, or look toward the sun. There is a choice to see that there is not darkness, merely the absence of light. We must feel around and find where our heart is, for therein lies the light, the brilliance we seek.
We cannot begin to bounce back until we recognize the boundaries. The bottom is nigh when we recognize it as such, and from there, we can choose to rise...or descend to another, worser limit.
Perception is everything. Change is inevitable, honoring our time and space and the dynamic we set forth with our intentions.
We can place our focus on our fears and our disavowing discourse, and that is what we will experience, or we can place our belief and faith in something greater, and that becomes our reality
We can be great. We can light up the world by shining from within.
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